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GAM's December 4th Anniversary is Not Just a Celebration, Identity and Legitimacy
Flag of Aceh Movement

December 4 is one of the historic days for Aceh in the world. On that date, exactly 4 December 1976, Tgk. Hasan Muhammad di Tiro and some of his followers declared the Free Aceh State in the Halimon Mountains in Pidie, at that time his movement was called Free Aceh (AM).

Dr. Mr. Hasan Muhammad Tiro, MS., MA., LL.D., Ph.D declared an Independent Aceh which is known overseas as the Aceh Sumatra National Liberation Front (ASNLF) to restore Aceh's position as a sovereign country and question the government Indonesia what is the basis and their rights to stand as a country.

After the Dutch East Indies seized the archipelago which consisted of areas that had multicultural ethnicities, almost all areas were controlled and collaborated with the Dutch except for Aceh. Aceh is the westernmost region in the archipelago which has a very strategic position and is still sovereign which has never been subject to any country in the world.

On this basis, Hasan Tiro wants Aceh to return to sovereignty and lead itself and expressly want to break away from Indonesian rule. Since then, Hasan Tiro has received the support of the people of Aceh and countries in the world who support Aceh again as one of the Independent countries.


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